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Difficult Conversations with the ACHIEVE Centre for Leadership

May 30, 2024
12:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT
Online via Zoom
Open To
Faculty and staff
Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion at
Two colleagues in conversation

All faculty and staff are invited to join this online webinar about preparing for, conducting and concluding difficult conversations. Brought to you by the Community Building Working Group in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion (OVPECI), this webinar offers a valuable opportunity to enhance your skills in navigating challenging discussions. Learn from experts at the ACHIEVE Centre for Leadership and gain practical insights for handling difficult conversations effectively. 

This session is part of a series. Check out the May 13 webinar, Conflict Resolution Skills with the ACHIEVE Centre for Leadership.

Handle difficult conversations respectfully and professionally

Whether sharing bad news with someone, providing corrective action or talking with a colleague about an uncomfortable issue, difficult conversations are typically stressful and often take a large mental and emotional toll. Many people avoid difficult conversations for these reasons, or find themselves ill prepared when they must have them. Yet, the ability to handle difficult conversations respectfully and professionally is one of the most important skills for success in the workplace. This webinar will review the key elements for managing difficult conversations.

This webinar will be facilitated by Christina Reimer.

About Christina Reimer

Christina has a diverse background as a leadership trainer, director and conflict resolution facilitator. With a PhD in religion, she has taught university courses on ethics and the world’s major religions. Christina has traveled extensively and worked internationally for non-profit organizations that focus on peace-building and community development. She values workplaces that promote diversity and equity and that strive to resolve corporate and interpersonal conflict in productive ways. She believes that communicating well is one of the keys to creating healthy working environments. 

Live captioning will be provided on Zoom

The university is committed to the accessibility and inclusion of persons with disabilities. If you require any additional accessibility accommodations to ensure your full participation, please let us know on the registration form or email the OVPECI.


If you have any questions, please email the OVPECI at